Stretched Septum: The Ultimate Guide to Safe and Stylish Septum Stretching

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to stretched septum piercings! As a popular and unique body modification, stretched septum piercings have been embraced by many for their striking appearance and versatile jewelry options. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this captivating body art, including the stretching procedure, appropriate aftercare, and a variety of jewelry styles to suit your personal taste. Whether you’re a seasoned septum piercing enthusiast or simply curious about the process, this guide is your one-stop resource for understanding and embracing the world of stretched septum piercings. Let’s dive in!

What is a Stretched Septum Piercing?

A stretched septum piercing involves stretching the tissue in the center of the nose, known as the septum, to accommodate larger jewelry. The process begins with a standard septum piercing, which is done by a professional piercer using a needle. Once the piercing has healed, the wearer can gradually stretch the piercing by inserting larger jewelry or using a taper. The gauge of the piercing refers to the thickness of the jewelry. For example, a 16-gauge piercing is smaller than a 6-gauge piercing.

Pain and Discomfort in Septum Stretching

Septum stretching can be uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be overly painful if done correctly. It’s important to stretch slowly and gently, allowing your body to adjust to the larger size of the jewelry. If you experience any significant pain or discomfort during the stretching process, it may be a sign that you are stretching too quickly or using jewelry that is too thick.

It’s also important to note that pain tolerance varies from person to person, and what may be uncomfortable for one person may not be for another. Some people may find that septum stretching is relatively painless, while others may experience more discomfort.

To minimize pain and discomfort during septum stretching, it’s important to follow proper stretching techniques, such as using a taper or gradually increasing the size of your jewelry. Applying a water-based lubricant, such as a piercing balm or petroleum jelly, can also help to ease the stretching process. It’s also important to avoid touching or playing with your piercing excessively, as this can irritate the tissue and cause additional discomfort.

If you experience significant pain or discomfort during septum stretching, or if you notice any signs of infection or other complications, it’s important to seek advice from a professional piercer or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance on the best approach to stretching your septum and help you address any concerns or issues that may arise.

How much does it cost to get your septum stretched?

The cost of getting your septum stretched can vary depending on a few factors, such as the location, the piercing studio, and the size of the stretch. In general, the cost of a septum piercing and stretching ranges from $20 to $100 or more.

If you’re stretching your septum piercing at home, the cost will depend on the type of jewelry you choose to use. Tapers, plugs, and other stretching tools can range from $5 to $50 or more, depending on the size and material.

If you’re having your septum piercing stretched by a professional piercer, the cost may include the cost of the jewelry as well as the service fee. The cost of jewelry can vary depending on the material, style, and size, but generally ranges from $10 to $50 or more. The service fee may also vary depending on the location and the experience of the piercer, but generally ranges from $20 to $100 or more.

It’s important to choose a reputable and experienced piercer for your septum stretching to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. Don’t be afraid to ask about pricing and any additional fees beforehand to avoid any surprises.

How is a Stretched Septum Piercing Done?

The stretched septum piercing procedure starts with a standard septum piercing. The piercer will sterilize the area and use a hollow needle to create a hole in the septum. Once the needle is removed, the piercer will insert a piece of jewelry, typically a circular barbell or a captive bead ring. The initial jewelry is usually a smaller gauge, such as 14 or 16.

After the piercing has healed, which typically takes 4-6 weeks, the wearer can start stretching the piercing. This involves inserting larger jewelry or using a taper. A taper is a tool that gradually increases in size, allowing the wearer to stretch their piercing safely. It’s important to stretch slowly and not force the jewelry through the piercing. This can cause tearing or damage to the tissue, which can lead to infection or scarring.

When beginning the stretching process, the wearer should clean their hands and the piercing site thoroughly. Lubrication, such as a water-based lubricant or jojoba oil, can be applied to the taper and the piercing site to facilitate a smoother stretching experience. The taper is then gently pushed through the piercing until the wider end of the taper is aligned with the septum hole. At this point, the new jewelry can be inserted, following the taper, and secured in place.

It’s crucial to allow enough time between stretches for the tissue to heal and adjust to the new size. Generally, it’s recommended to wait at least 4-6 weeks between stretches, but this can vary depending on individual healing rates and personal preferences. Stretching too quickly can result in complications such as tearing, scarring, or even a “blowout,” where the tissue is pushed outward due to excessive pressure.

To avoid these risks, it’s essential to listen to your body and not force the stretching process. If you experience pain or resistance while stretching, stop and allow more time for the tissue to heal before attempting to stretch again. Consult a professional piercer for guidance on the appropriate stretching intervals and techniques for your individual circumstances.

Septum stretching sizes

Septum stretching sizes refer to the gauge or thickness of the jewelry that is used to stretch the septum piercing. The gauge sizes range from smaller to larger, with the smaller numbers representing thicker jewelry.

Gauge Size Typical Jewelry Type Approximate Diameter
16 Captive Bead Ring, Circular Barbell 1.2mm
14 Captive Bead Ring, Circular Barbell 1.6mm
12 Captive Bead Ring, Circular Barbell 2.0mm
10 Tapers, Plugs, Retainers 2.4mm
8 Tapers, Plugs, Retainers 3.2mm
6 Tapers, Plugs, Hooks 4.0mm

Stretched septum aftercare

Proper aftercare is essential for ensuring the healing and health of your stretched septum piercing. Here are some tips for taking care of your stretched septum:

  1. Clean your piercing regularly: Use a sterile saline solution to clean your piercing twice a day. Gently soak a clean cotton swab or pad in the solution and apply it to the piercing, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Avoid touching your piercing: Avoid touching your piercing unnecessarily, as this can introduce bacteria and irritate the tissue. If you need to touch your piercing, wash your hands thoroughly first.
  3. Use a gentle soap: If you need to clean your piercing beyond the saline solution, use a gentle, fragrance-free soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  4. Avoid swimming: Avoid swimming or exposing your piercing to any bodies of water, as these can introduce bacteria and irritate the tissue.
  5. Avoid changing jewelry too soon: Wait until your piercing is fully healed before changing your jewelry. This may take several weeks or months, depending on the size of the stretch.
  6. Be mindful of clothing and accessories: Be mindful of any clothing or accessories that may irritate your piercing, such as scarves, collars, or helmets. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing or jewelry that can pull or tug on the piercing.
  7. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any pain, discomfort, or discharge from the piercing. If you notice any unusual symptoms, consult with a professional piercer or healthcare provider.

How long does it takes to stretch a septum piercing?

The length of time it takes to stretch a septum piercing can vary depending on several factors, such as the individual’s skin elasticity, the size of the initial piercing, and the size of the stretch. It’s important to stretch slowly and gradually to minimize the risk of injury or tearing.

In general, it’s recommended to wait at least 6-8 weeks between each stretch to allow the tissue to fully heal and adjust to the larger size of the jewelry. It’s also important to only stretch one gauge size at a time to avoid causing damage or trauma to the tissue.

The amount of time it takes to stretch to a larger size can vary depending on the individual’s healing process and the size of the gauge. Generally, it can take several weeks or months to fully stretch to larger sizes, such as 8 gauge or larger. It’s important to listen to your body and wait until your piercing feels comfortable before attempting to stretch again.

It’s important to note that rushing the stretching process can lead to complications, such as tearing or scarring of the tissue. Always approach stretching your septum piercing with patience and care to minimize the risk of injury and ensure a safe and comfortable healing process.

Gauge Size Initial Piercing Size Minimum Time to Wait Before Stretching Recommended Time Between Stretches
16 N/A 4-6 weeks N/A
14 16 gauge 6-8 weeks 6-8 weeks
12 14 gauge 6-8 weeks 6-8 weeks
10 12 gauge 6-8 weeks 6-8 weeks
8 10 gauge 6-8 weeks 8-12 weeks
6 8 gauge 6-8 weeks 12-16 weeks
4 6 gauge 8-12 weeks 16-20 weeks
2 4 gauge 8-12 weeks 20-24 weeks
0 2 gauge 8-12 weeks 24-32 weeks

This chart provides a general guideline for the minimum amount of time to wait before attempting to stretch to the next gauge size, as well as the recommended time between each stretch. It’s important to note that individual stretching experiences may vary, and it’s always best to consult with a professional piercer for personalized guidance. They can provide recommendations based on your individual healing process and the size of the gauge you’re stretching to.

Stretched septum piercing jewelry

There are several types of jewelry that can be used for stretched septum piercings, each with their own unique style and benefits. Here are some of the most common types of jewelry for stretched septum piercings:

  • Circular barbells

Circular barbells are a popular choice for stretched septum piercings. They feature a circular shape with two removable balls on either end, and are available in a variety of sizes and materials.

  • Tunnels and plugs

Tunnels and plugs are designed to sit inside the stretched piercing hole, and can be made from materials such as acrylic, glass, metal, and wood. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including flat, round, and double-flared.

  • Captive bead rings

Captive bead rings feature a circular shape with a removable bead that sits in the center of the ring. They come in a variety of sizes and materials, and can be worn with or without the bead for a different look.

  • Pinchers

Pinchers are a type of jewelry that are designed to pinch the septum, creating a unique look. They come in a variety of sizes and materials, and can be worn horizontally or vertically.

  • Tusks and horns

Tusks and horns are a popular choice for those looking for a more unique look. They can be made from materials such as bone, horn, and acrylic, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

  • Hook nose ring

A hook is a piece of jewelry that hangs from the septum, creating a unique and striking look. Hooks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from simple hooks to elaborate designs that incorporate beads, feathers, or other embellishments.

Can a stretched septum go back to normal?

In some cases, a stretched septum piercing may go back to its original size, but it depends on a few factors, such as how long the piercing has been stretched, the size of the stretch, and the individual’s skin elasticity.

If a stretched septum piercing has only been stretched to a small size, such as 14 gauge or smaller, it may be possible for the piercing to shrink back to its original size. However, if the piercing has been stretched to a larger size, such as 6 gauge or larger, it may be more difficult for the piercing to return to its original size.

It’s also important to note that some people may experience permanent stretching or scarring of the tissue due to stretching their septum piercing. This can make it more difficult for the piercing to shrink back to its original size.

If you’re considering stretching your septum piercing, it’s important to approach the process slowly and gradually. This can help minimize the risk of permanent stretching or scarring. If you do decide to stretch your septum piercing, it’s important to understand that there is a possibility that the piercing may not go back to its original size.

Ultimately, the decision to stretch your septum piercing should be made with careful consideration and consultation with a professional piercer. They can provide personalized guidance on the best approach for your individual needs and help you make an informed decision about stretching your piercing.

How Often Can You Stretch Your Septum?

It’s important to allow sufficient time for your septum piercing to heal before attempting to stretch it again. Generally, it’s recommended to wait at least 6-8 weeks between each stretch to allow the tissue to fully heal and adjust to the larger size of the jewelry. However, the exact timing may vary depending on your individual healing process and the size of the gauge you are stretching to.

It’s also important to avoid overstretching your septum piercing. Stretching too quickly or using jewelry that is too thick can cause tearing or damage to the tissue, which can lead to infection or scarring. Always stretch slowly and use the proper tools and techniques, such as using a taper or gradually increasing the size of your jewelry.

Understanding the Risks of Septum Stretching

Before deciding to stretch your septum, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and complications that may arise during the process. By being informed and taking precautions, you can minimize the risks and ensure a safer and more comfortable experience.

  1. Infection: Infections can occur when bacteria enter the piercing site, particularly if the stretching process is not done hygienically or if proper aftercare is not followed. To minimize the risk of infection, make sure to use clean tools, jewelry, and hands when stretching your septum. Additionally, follow the recommended aftercare routine and consult a professional piercer or healthcare provider if you suspect an infection.
  2. Tearing or damage to the tissue: Stretching too quickly or using inappropriate techniques can lead to tearing or damage to the septum tissue. This can result in pain, swelling, and scarring. To minimize the risk, always stretch slowly and use appropriate tools, such as tapers, to gradually increase the size of the jewelry.
  3. Scarring: Scarring can occur as a result of tearing or damage to the tissue during the stretching process. It can also occur if the septum piercing is stretched too quickly or if the tissue becomes irritated from improper aftercare. To minimize the risk of scarring, follow proper stretching techniques and adhere to the recommended aftercare routine.
  4. Permanent stretching: In some cases, the septum piercing may not return to its original size after being stretched. This can depend on factors such as the size of the stretch, the individual’s skin elasticity, and the duration of time the piercing has been stretched. If you’re concerned about the possibility of permanent stretching, consult a professional piercer for personalized guidance.
  5. Allergic reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to certain materials used in jewelry, such as nickel or certain types of metal. To minimize the risk, choose hypoallergenic jewelry made from materials such as surgical stainless steel, titanium, or glass.
  6. Difficulty breathing: In very rare cases, stretching the septum can cause difficulty breathing if the jewelry obstructs the nasal passages. If you experience difficulty breathing after stretching your septum, consult a healthcare provider immediately.

Septum Stretching Kits

A septum stretching kit is a convenient and cost-effective solution for those looking to gradually stretch their septum piercing. These kits typically include a range of tapers and corresponding jewelry in various gauge sizes, allowing for a safe and controlled stretching process. Prices for septum stretching kits can vary depending on the materials used and the number of sizes included, with most kits ranging from $20 to $60. When purchasing a stretching kit, it’s essential to choose one made from high-quality, hypoallergenic materials such as surgical steel or titanium to minimize the risk of irritation or infection. Additionally, investing in a reputable kit from a trusted brand or piercer can ensure that you have the necessary tools and guidance for a safe and successful septum stretching journey.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Stretching Your Septum Piercing

Stretching your septum piercing can be done gradually and safely with the right tools and technique. Here are the steps to stretch your septum piercing:

  1. Wait until your initial piercing has fully healed before attempting to stretch. This typically takes 4-6 weeks, but may vary depending on your individual healing process.
  2. Choose a taper or larger jewelry that is one gauge size up from your current jewelry. For example, if you are wearing a 14-gauge jewelry, choose a 12-gauge taper or jewelry.
  3. Clean your hands and the taper or jewelry with a gentle soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly.
  4. Apply a water-based lubricant, such as a piercing balm or petroleum jelly, to the taper or jewelry.
  5. Slowly and gently insert the taper or jewelry into your piercing. If you feel any resistance or pain, stop immediately and do not force the jewelry through.
  6. Once the jewelry is fully inserted, clean the area with a sterile saline solution and allow it to fully heal before attempting to stretch again.
  7. Continue this process with progressively larger jewelry, increasing one gauge size at a time. It’s important to wait until your piercing has fully healed before attempting to stretch again.

Remember to always stretch slowly and never force the jewelry through your piercing. This can cause tearing or damage to the tissue, which can lead to infection or scarring. Throughout the stretching process, it’s vital to maintain proper aftercare to ensure the health of your piercing.

What’s the difference between Stretching vs Stacking?

Stretching and stacking are two different methods of modifying body piercings.

  • Stretching refers to the gradual enlargement of a piercing by using larger jewelry or tapers. This process is typically done over a period of time, allowing the tissue to adjust to the larger size of the jewelry. Stretching is commonly done with piercings such as earlobes and septums, and is often used to accommodate larger or heavier jewelry.
  • Stacking, on the other hand, involves adding multiple pieces of jewelry to a single piercing. This can be done by stacking multiple rings or studs in a single piercing hole, creating a layered or stacked look. Stacking is commonly done with piercings such as cartilage piercings or earlobe piercings, and can be done with a variety of jewelry types, such as hoops, studs, and dangles.

While both stretching and stacking involve modifying body piercings, they differ in their approach and end result. Stretching involves gradually enlarging the piercing hole, while stacking involves adding multiple pieces of jewelry to a single piercing hole. The choice between stretching and stacking ultimately depends on personal preference and the type of piercing being modified.

What type of nose piercing can be stretched?

There are a few types of nose piercings that can be stretched, although not all of them are commonly stretched. Some examples include:

  • Septum piercing

The septum piercing is the most common type of nose piercing that is stretched. This is because the septum is a relatively thick piece of cartilage that can accommodate a larger gauge without causing significant damage to the surrounding tissue.

  • Nostril piercing

Although not as common, some individuals may choose to stretch their nostril piercings. This can be done to accommodate larger jewelry or plugs, or for a more unique look. It is important to note that stretching a nostril piercing may have a more permanent effect on the appearance of the nose, as the skin and cartilage in the area may not return to its original size if the stretching is significant.

  • Septum/Septril piercing

As mentioned earlier, some individuals may choose to stretch their septril piercing, which combines the septum and vertical tip (rhino) piercings. The septril piercing goes through the septum and then exits through the tip of the nose, creating a tunnel-like effect. The process for stretching a septril piercing is similar to that of a septum piercing, but it may require more time and patience due to the unique placement and anatomy involved.

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