daith piercing for migraines

Daith Piercing for Migraines: Say goodbye to migraines pain

Are migraines disrupting your daily life? Dive into the potential of daith piercing, an intriguing ear-piercing technique believed to offer migraine relief. This guide provides an in-depth look at the procedure, its potential benefits, and the science behind it. We also shed light on the associated risks and introduce alternative treatments. Embark on this exploration and discover a promising approach to potentially alleviate your migraine challenges.

Key Points

  • Daith piercing involves inserting jewelry through the innermost cartilage fold of the ear, known as the crus of the helix.
  • Daith piercings may potentially alleviate the frequency and intensity of migraine symptoms, based on principles of acupuncture.
  • There is no consensus on which ear to choose for a daith piercing for migraines; it may differ from person to person.
  • Scientific research on daith piercings and migraines is limited, and further research is necessary to understand the potential benefits and underlying mechanisms.

Daith Piercing Overview

Daith piercing is a distinct style of ear piercing that specifically targets the daith, the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. Situated just above the ear canal, this unique spot is somewhat tucked away, making it less visible compared to more common piercing sites like the earlobe or the helix. The piercing goes through a thick section of the cartilage, contributing to its unique appearance and the aftercare it necessitates post-piercing.

This piercing rests deeply in the shell of the ear, precisely at the root of the helix crus, which is the ridge of cartilage that fades down into the conch, situated just above the ear canal. Most ears have a pierceable crest at this particular location, making it a suitable spot for this type of piercing.

The jewelry, usually a hoop, a captive bead ring or a circular barbell, perfectly frames the tissue, which in turn is framed by the ear, creating a captivating aesthetic that complements the overall structure of the ear.

Understanding Migraines

Migraines are a type of headache characterized by intense throbbing or pulsing sensations, typically concentrated on one side of the head. They are often accompanied by other symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting. Migraines can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities. Some individuals may also experience warning symptoms, or “auras,” such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in the arm or face, before a migraine occurs.

The exact cause of migraines isn’t known, but they’re thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity affecting nerve signals, chemicals, and blood vessels in the brain. The quest for effective migraine treatment options has led to a wide range of approaches, including medication, lifestyle changes, and even alternative therapies like acupuncture. One such alternative method that has gained interest recently is daith piercing, a specific type of ear piercing believed to potentially offer relief from migraines.

Unraveling the Link Between Daith Piercing and Migraines

The Daith piercing is a type of ear piercing that some people believe can alleviate or even cure migraine headaches. This belief is rooted in the concept of acupressure points, particularly one located in the daith area of the ear. The theory suggests that by piercing this specific point, pressure is applied to the acupressure point, leading to migraine relief.

  • Acupressure: A Traditional Practice

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice dating back thousands of years. The philosophy behind acupressure is centered on the concept of life energy or “Qi” (pronounced “chi”) that flows through invisible channels in our bodies known as meridians. According to this theory, illnesses or discomforts, including migraines, are a result of blockages in the flow of Qi.

The practice of acupressure involves stimulating specific points on these meridians, known as acupoints or pressure points, to restore the proper flow of Qi and subsequently alleviate symptoms. Each acupoint corresponds to specific organs or systems in the body, and the stimulation of these points is believed to bring about a therapeutic effect, balancing the body’s energy, relieving tension, enhancing circulation, and promoting the body’s natural self-healing capabilities.

Daith piercing’s potential link to migraine relief is hinged on these principles of acupressure. The daith, the innermost cartilage fold of the ear, is believed to coincide with an acupressure point associated with digestive organs. In traditional Chinese medicine, imbalances in these organs are often linked to migraines. Therefore, it’s hypothesized that a daith piercing, by continuously stimulating this pressure point, might help alleviate migraines.

  • Daith Piercing as a Potential Migraine Reliever

Over the years, anecdotal evidence from individuals who’ve undergone daith piercing has suggested a possible correlation between the piercing and migraine relief. These personal accounts often involve a reduction in migraine frequency and intensity post-piercing, with some even reporting complete migraine remission.

While these results are promising, they vary significantly from person to person, and should not be considered as definitive proof of daith piercing’s effectiveness against migraines. However, they’ve certainly sparked interest and prompted further exploration into this unconventional approach to migraine management.

In light of these testimonies, researchers are conducting studies to scientifically examine the potential benefits of daith piercing for migraine relief. These studies aim to establish whether the reported relief is due to the actual stimulation of a pressure point, a placebo effect, or a combination of both. As such, the potential of daith piercing as a migraine reliever remains a fascinating topic in the realm of alternative medicine.

What do the scientific studies say about Daith Piercing for Migraines?

  • Acupuncture Studies: A Potential Guide for Daith Piercing

A notable study investigated the effectiveness of acupuncture in preventing episodic migraines. This research forms an important part of the discussion, as it provides a scientific perspective on the potential benefits of stimulating specific points in the body, a concept that aligns with the principles of daith piercing.

The study compared the impact of acupuncture to no treatment, sham (placebo) acupuncture, and prophylactic drug treatment. The results suggested that adding acupuncture to the symptomatic treatment of migraine attacks resulted in a reduced frequency of headaches. Specifically, when compared to no treatment, acupuncture was linked to a moderate reduction in headache frequency. Against sham acupuncture, it was associated with a small yet statistically significant reduction in headache frequency, both after treatment and at follow-up.

Interestingly, acupuncture proved to be significantly more effective than prophylactic drug treatment in reducing migraine frequency right after treatment. This significance, however, was not maintained at follow-up. Despite this, participants receiving acupuncture were less likely to drop out due to adverse effects and were less likely to report adverse effects than participants receiving prophylactic drugs.

In conclusion, the authors affirmed that acupuncture could be a viable treatment option for patients willing to undergo the procedure. They further noted that acupuncture might be at least as effective as prophylactic drug treatment for reducing the frequency of migraines. However, they also called for long-term studies of more than one year in duration to conclusively establish these findings.

Drawing parallels to daith piercing, this review provides evidence that stimulating specific points in the body, as is done in acupuncture, could potentially alleviate migraines. Daith piercing, similar to tragus piercing, is believed to stimulate key points along the body’s energy pathways, akin to acupuncture. However, it’s important to note that while these findings are intriguing, more dedicated research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of daith piercing as a treatment for migraines.

  • Scientific Study: Daith Piercing and Migraine Relief

One compelling case study involves a 54-year-old male patient who had been enduring chronic migraines and medication-overuse headaches. Despite numerous attempts at different treatments, including various preventive therapies and detoxification treatments, his migraines remained consistent and debilitating.

Out of desperation, the patient decided to get a daith piercing, an ear piercing located at the crus of the helix. This was not a doctor’s recommendation but a personal decision spurred by the desire for relief.

Following the daith piercing, the patient reported a remarkable decrease in his migraine attacks, which became sporadic. He also experienced less frequent and less debilitating episodes of tension-type headaches. His use of painkillers also significantly decreased. He found that he only needed one tablet of indomethacin 50 mg to treat tension-type headaches approximately four times per month.

The researchers of the case study hypothesized that the mechanism of action behind these results could be related to vagal modulation. This concept suggests that a nociceptive sensory stimulus applied to trigeminal and vagal areas of the ear can activate ear vagal afferents, which could potentially modulate pain pathways. However, they cautioned that daith piercing could not be universally recommended as a migraine treatment due to the lack of broad scientific evidence, the unquantified rate of failure, and the risks associated with the piercing process.

Similarly, tragus piercing for migraines relies on similar principles of acupuncture and vagal modulation. However, as of now, there is no scientific evidence to back the effectiveness of tragus piercing for migraines. Both daith and tragus piercings have anecdotal evidence supporting their potential benefits for migraine relief, but further scientific research is necessary in this area.

The Daith Piercing Procedure: A Detailed Breakdown

Proper placement of the Daith piercing is crucial to its potential effectiveness and overall success.  The piercing should be done deep enough, perpendicular to the tissue, to avoid rejection or growing out. A well-placed piercing will allow for pressure to be applied to the acupressure point consistently.

  • Importance of Precise Piercing Placement

Accurate placement of the daith piercing is pivotal for its potential effectiveness and overall success. To achieve this, professional piercers use techniques such as tissue manipulation and specialized tools, like receiving tubes or piercing needles. However, the piercing needs to be deep and perpendicular to the tissue to avoid rejection or migration. A correctly positioned piercing ensures that the desired acupressure point is consistently stimulated.

Improperly placed daith piercings can complicate the healing process and potentially lead to other issues. Cartilage, lacking its own blood supply, can make healing more challenging compared to other body parts. Oversized or incorrectly positioned jewelry can become entangled in surrounding structures, leading to complications such as pain, irritation, unsightly scar tissue, and an increased risk of migration, rejection, and infection.

  • Selecting a Professional Piercer

Identifying a qualified and reputable piercer is crucial for a safe and successful daith piercing experience. Look for professionals with a track record in daith piercings who strictly follow hygiene and safety standards. It’s worth noting that while piercers can use their skills to potentially target acupressure points, they are not medical professionals and are legally barred from making health claims about the piercings they perform. Any assertion that daith piercings can treat or cure migraines may be considered unlicensed medical practice and carry legal implications. Additionally, a consultation with an acupuncturist may be beneficial to ensure that the correct pressure points are targeted during the piercing procedure.

  • The Piercing Procedure

The piercing process begins with the piercer meticulously cleaning the area to be pierced and marking the precise location for the piercing. Using a hollow needle, the piercer creates an opening through the cartilage, followed by the insertion of the chosen jewelry. Due to the cartilage’s substantial thickness in this region, the procedure can invoke a degree of discomfort, potentially lingering for several days post-piercing.

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  • Aftercare for Daith Piercing

After the piercing, diligent aftercare is crucial to prevent infection and ensure proper healing. The piercer will provide comprehensive instructions, which typically include regular cleaning of the pierced area with a saline solution, avoiding touching the piercing with unclean hands, and refraining from swimming or submerging the ear in water for several weeks.

Which Ear to Get a Daith Piercing for Migraines?

There is no universal consensus on which ear should be chosen for a daith piercing intended to alleviate migraines. This decision may differ from person to person. Some people report experiencing relief when the piercing is performed on the side where they most frequently experience migraine pain, while others have found success with the opposite ear. It is advisable to consult with a seasoned piercer or an acupuncturist to ascertain the optimal approach for you.

Daith piercing experience for migraines

  • The speaker got daith piercings in both ears three years ago based on positive anecdotes and online experiences claiming they help with migraines.
  • They went to a reputable place that used a curved needle and numbed the ears before the piercing.
  • The healing process took about ten months, during which the speaker cleaned the piercings with warm salt water daily to avoid infections.
  • Although the speaker experienced a reduction in the intensity of migraines during the healing period, the long-term effect of daith piercings on migraines has been negligible.
  • The speaker recommends against getting daith piercings solely for migraine relief but suggests trying them if interested in piercings or similar styles.

Exploring Alternative Treatments for Migraines

  • A Range of Medications

Medications play a significant role in managing migraines, and these can be either prescription or over-the-counter. Pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin can be used for immediate relief during a migraine attack. Triptans, a class of drugs specifically for migraines, work by constricting blood vessels and blocking pain pathways in the brain.

Preventive medicines, taken regularly, can reduce the severity or frequency of migraines. These can include cardiovascular drugs, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs, all of which require a prescription.

  • Botox Injections

Botox injections, usually known for reducing wrinkles, have been approved for preventive treatment of chronic migraines in adults. This involves multiple injections around the head and neck every 12 weeks to help reduce future headache symptoms.

  • Neuromodulation Devices

These devices, including the Cefaly device and the gammaCore, use electrical pulses to interrupt pain signals, providing an alternative for those who can’t tolerate other migraine medications.

  • Biofeedback and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

These techniques help you understand how your body responds to the symptoms of a migraine. Biofeedback uses sensors to track bodily functions such as heart rate and muscle tension, and teaches you how to modify these responses to reduce pain. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you understand and manage the psychological aspects of migraine pain.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Making certain lifestyle changes can help manage migraines. Regular exercise helps by reducing tension and improving cardiovascular health. A healthy diet can help maintain overall health and avoid migraine triggers. Reducing stress, perhaps through meditation or yoga, can help manage triggers, while maintaining a regular sleep schedule ensures adequate rest.

  • Natural Supplements

Certain vitamins and herbal supplements, like magnesium, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10, are believed to prevent migraines or reduce their severity. However, you should consult a healthcare provider before beginning any supplement regimen.

  • Acupuncture

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on your body. Some studies suggest that acupuncture could help prevent acute migraines or reduce their frequency.

Daith vs tragus piercing for migraines

Daith and tragus piercings are two different types of ear piercings that have gained attention in recent years as potential alternative treatments for migraines. Both are based on the principles of acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves stimulating specific points on the body to alleviate pain and other symptoms. Here’s a comparison of the two.

  • Daith Piercing for Migraines

Daith piercing, placed in the innermost cartilage fold of the ear, is theorized to target a specific acupressure point. This piercing, due to its deep location, provides consistent stimulation to this point. The anecdotal evidence suggests that some individuals have experienced migraine relief following a daith piercing, drawing parallels to the principles of acupuncture.

  • Tragus Piercing for Migraines

Tragus piercing involves the small, protruding flap of cartilage in front of the ear canal. Like the daith piercing, it’s believed that tragus piercing might provide relief due to its potential impact on certain acupressure points. However, the tragus is a more challenging location for a piercing, given its size and position.

  • Comparing Daith and Tragus Piercings for Migraines

The choice between a daith and a tragus piercing for potential migraine relief is largely personal and dependent on individual experiences and anatomy. Both present unique challenges and benefits. Even if some individuals have reported reduced frequency and severity of migraines after getting one of these piercings, neither of these piercings is currently recognized by the medical community as a proven treatment for migraines. Therefore, they should be considered as potential adjuncts to conventional treatments rather than replacements.

Daith Piercing Tragus Piercing
Location Innermost cartilage fold of the ear Small, rounded cartilage near ear canal
Pain Level Can be more painful due to thicker cartilage Generally less painful compared to daith piercing
Healing Time 4-8 months 4-6 months
Potential Benefits Reported reduction in migraine frequency and severity Reported reduction in migraine frequency and severity
Scientific Evidence Limited anecdotal evidence Limited anecdotal evidence

While the location of the daith piercing is believed by some to correspond more directly to an acupuncture point related to headaches, the tragus piercing is typically a simpler and less painful procedure with a shorter healing period. In both cases, it’s crucial to consult with a professional piercer or acupuncturist before deciding.

Do daith piercings help with migraines?

The connection between daith piercings and migraine relief sits at the crossroads of anecdotal evidence and scientific exploration. While numerous personal accounts suggest some level of relief, the scientific community lacks substantial research to fully endorse daith piercings as a proven treatment method. Some studies draw parallels with the principles of acupuncture, known for its pain-alleviating effects, suggesting that daith piercings could operate on similar principles. However, the limited existing research and the possibility of placebo effects or inherent migraine symptom variability make it difficult to definitively establish this correlation.

In summary, daith piercing represents an intriguing area for further investigation in the quest for effective migraine management techniques. Yet, without substantial scientific backing, it remains an unconventional approach. For those considering daith piercing as a potential migraine relief strategy, consultation with a healthcare provider to understand all associated benefits and risks is crucial. It’s essential to keep in mind that individual experiences can vary widely, and what may be effective for one person might not work for another.


Is daith piercing good for migraines?

Daith piercing is believed by some individuals to provide relief for migraines. While anecdotal evidence suggests positive outcomes, scientific research on the topic is limited.

What Side to Get Daith Piercing for Migraine?

There is no definitive answer as to which side is best for a daith piercing to alleviate migraines. Some people find relief when the piercing is done on the side where they experience the most migraine pain, while others have success with the opposite ear.

Where to Get a Daith Piercing for Migraines?

A daith piercing is performed in the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. To target potential pressure points associated with migraines, the piercing should be done in the specific area known as the crus of the helix.

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