Apadravya Piercing Uncovered: Enhance Pleasure & Discover Unique Style

Are you ready to explore the captivating realm of genital piercing? Brace yourself as we delve into the mesmerizing world of the apadravya piercing. With a history spanning thousands of years, this extraordinary genital piercing has intrigued enthusiasts and cultural scholars alike. From ancient references in the Kama Sutra to its modern-day prominence, the apadravya piercing has left an indelible mark on human expression.

In this article, we will unlock the secrets behind this intense and daring body modification practice. Discover the origin of its name, the meticulous procedure involved, and the challenges and rewards it presents. Join us on this awe-inspiring journey as we navigate the intricate details of the apadravya piercing phenomenon.

Key Points

  • The Apadravya piercing is a vertical piercing through the glans of the penis, typically placed in the center.
  • It combines elements of the reverse Prince Albert (PA) and regular Prince Albert piercings.
  • The procedure involves a two-step piercing, which can be uncomfortable and result in initial bleeding.
  • Most individuals have the necessary anatomy for an Apadravya piercing, except for potential issues related to tight foreskin in uncircumcised individuals.
  • The Apadravya piercing requires a lengthy healing period, typically six months or longer, due to the extensive tissue it passes through.

What is an apadravya piercing?

apadravya piercing male genital
© Piercingstudio Wein

An apadravya piercing is a unique type of penis piercing that vertically passes through the glans of the penis from top to bottom, typically situated in the center. It goes through the urethra, and when combined with a horizontally placed ampallang piercing, forms what is known as the “magic cross.” Unlike the ampallang piercing, the apadravya is almost always centered, although off-center placements are possible, with the angle of the piercing often slightly forward in the direction of the hips for a more comfortable fit.

This vertical piercing combines elements of reverse Prince Albert (PA) and regular Prince Albert piercings. It has a long history, dating back thousands of years, with mentions in ancient texts like the Kama Sutra, showcasing its cultural significance and enduring appeal across various cultures.

The apadravya piercing is considered to be on the extreme side of piercings, making it less common and unique. Most individuals possess the necessary anatomy for this piercing, except for potential issues related to tight foreskin in uncircumcised individuals. The apadravya piercing’s distinctive appearance and cultural history make it an intriguing option for those seeking an unconventional form of body piercing.

Apadravya Piercing Information
Placement Vertical through the glans, passing through the urethra
Pricing $80-$150
Pain Level 8/10
Healing Time 6-9 months

Apadravya Piercing Placement

The apadravya piercing is a distinctive and adaptable vertical piercing through the glans of the penis, typically placed in the center. It combines elements of both the reverse Prince Albert piercing and regular Prince Albert piercing, creating a unique and versatile genital piercing style.

For individuals who already have a Prince Albert piercing (a piercing that enters through the urethra and exits on the underside of the penis), it provides a starting point for the apadravya piercing. By utilizing the existing hole, the apadravya can be continued from there, reducing the amount of tissue that needs to be pierced. This combination offers the benefits of a single healing period and ensures perfect alignment between the upper and lower parts of the piercing. However, it is essential to ensure sufficient space between the two piercings to prevent the jewelry from pinching the delicate tissue underneath.

One of the hallmarks of the apadravya piercing is that it encompasses multiple piercings within a single placement. The versatility of the apadravya allows for treating each section individually, such as adding a ring or other jewelry to stretch only the lower part of the piercing while leaving the top as is.

To ensure comfort during penetration, it is vital to ensure that the jewelry does not rest in a straight vertical position. A backward-leaning angle is the most common and comfortable orientation, depending on the individual’s anatomy.

A crucial factor in the apadravya’s healing process is its passage through the urethra, which enables it to heal more rapidly than a glans piercing that doesn’t pass through the urethra. This adaptability is particularly useful since enlarging the upper side of the piercing can be significantly more challenging than the lower portion, which is an easy-to-enlarge Prince Albert.

Apadravya Piercing Procedure

The apadravya piercing procedure involves a vertical piercing through the head of the penis, starting at the base of the head, passing through the urethra, and exiting at the top center. This piercing is typically executed in the middle of the glans and runs through the urethra, in contrast to the horizontal Ampallang piercing. To ensure durability and minimize risks, it is recommended to use a barbell with a minimum gauge of 10, as thinner gauges can lead to tearing and complications. Erect measurements should be taken by the piercer to ensure appropriate jewelry sizing.

The apadravya piercing can be done in two sessions, starting with a Prince Albert, and once it has healed, completing the piercing with the canal going from the upper end of the glans to the urethra. Before getting an apadravya piercing, it’s crucial to research and find a reputable piercer experienced in genital piercings. A professional piercer will ensure the procedure is carried out safely and hygienically, minimizing the risk of complications.

Apadravya Piercing Pain

The apadravya piercing is known for being one of the most painful genital piercings, with a pain level often rated at 8/10. Despite the intense pain associated with the procedure, it remains a popular choice for those seeking a unique and extreme form of self-expression. The piercing process generally requires a two-step method, which can contribute to the heightened pain level. Drinking plenty of water post-piercing can help dilute your urine stream, reducing the burning sensation during urination

Apadravya Piercing Healing Process and Aftercare Tips

The apadravya piercing healing process and aftercare are essential to ensure a comfortable and successful recovery.

  • Healing Time Expectations

The healing time for an apadravya piercing depends on an individual’s healing rate and their dedication to proper aftercare. Generally, it takes around 6 to 9 months for the piercing to fully heal. The significant amount of tissue involved in the piercing process plays a role in this extended healing duration.

Penetrative intercourse with a condom may be possible after about one month, although some discomfort might still be present. After the initial healing, the piercing can be gradually stretched, and larger jewelry can be inserted, potentially reaching sizes above 10 mm in diameter if desired.

  • Aftercare Guidelines

Proper aftercare is essential for a smooth healing process and avoiding complications. Here are some tips to help care for your new apadravya piercing:

  • Maintain cleanliness and dryness: Gently clean the piercing twice a day using a saline solution or a mild, fragrance-free soap.
  • Practice good hygiene: Avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before handling the piercing or changing the jewelry.
  • Abstain from sexual activity: Refrain from sexual activity during the initial healing phase, usually for at least 4 to 6 weeks. When resuming sexual activity, use a condom to protect the piercing from bacteria and reduce friction.
  • Choose comfortable clothing: Wear loose, breathable clothing to minimize irritation and allow air circulation around the piercing.
  • Avoid swimming: Until the piercing has healed, steer clear of swimming in pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water to reduce the risk of infection.

Best apadravya piercing jewelry

For an apadravya piercing, the most common jewelry choice is a straight or slightly curved barbell. It is vital to choose high-quality, hypoallergenic materials like titanium, surgical steel, or niobium to minimize infection and irritation risk. The initial jewelry is usually longer to accommodate swelling and erection, potentially requiring downsizing later for a better fit.

Once the apadravya piercing has healed, it offers the flexibility to treat each section differently. For instance, one could stretch only the lower part of the piercing by adding a ring, while leaving the top as is. However, enlarging the upper side of the piercing can be challenging.

It’s essential to check the tightness of the barbell beads regularly, as the area experiences movement and friction during daily activities. When selecting jewelry, strike a balance between aesthetics and practicality. Decorative beads can be added, but ensure they are appropriately sized to avoid discomfort or being pulled inside. Titanium barbells offer customization through anodization, allowing individuals to change the color of the beads for a personalized touch.

Other jewelry options include:

  1. Circular barbells: These can be used for a more unique appearance but might be less comfortable during healing.
  2. Captive bead rings: Although less common, captive bead rings can be used once the piercing is fully healed, providing a different look and feel.
  3. Internally threaded barbells: These offer a smoother surface, reducing the risk of irritation during insertion and removal.

Apadravya piercing cost

The cost of an apadravya piercing varies based on the piercer’s experience, studio location, and jewelry quality. Experienced piercers and studios in urban areas may charge higher fees, while high-quality materials like titanium, surgical steel, or niobium also add to the cost.

Expect to pay between $80 and $150 for an apadravya piercing, including jewelry. Prioritize safety, hygiene, and the piercer’s expertise for this delicate, intimate piercing to ensure a positive experience and proper aftercare.

Apadravya Piercing Risks & Complications

Apadravya piercings come with certain risks and potential complications, as with any body modification. Being well-informed about these concerns can help individuals make educated decisions and take necessary precautions to minimize issues.

  • Bleeding

The apadravya piercing is prone to bleeding due to its location in the glans. Bleeding can last anywhere from one to five days, depending on the individual’s healing process.

  • Urination

Apadravya piercings pass through the urethra, which can impact urination. In the early stages, urination may not be significantly affected. However, over time, the tissue may relax, causing a drip from the lower hole. To manage this, individuals can stand over the toilet or urinal, or pull up on the bar to press the lower ball against the tissue, sealing in the drip.

In some cases, a trans-urethral apadravya can adversely affect urination, possibly requiring individuals to sit during urination. This issue can often be managed by pulling the barbell upward to form a seal with the bottom portion of the piercing and allowing the top dribble to run off the top of the head. While it is viable to urinate in a urinal using this method, many people find that sitting can be easier.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Engaging in sexual activities before the apadravya piercing has fully healed can increase the risk of STIs. It is essential to abstain from sexual contact during the healing process to prevent infection or trauma to the piercing. Once the piercing has healed, practicing safe sex by using condoms and getting regularly tested for STIs can help minimize the risk of infections.

Apadravya piercing variations

  • Vertical Apadravya piercing: The basic apadravya piercing involves a vertical piercing through the glans of the penis, passing from the underside to the top. This piercing style is simple yet striking, making it a popular choice for those seeking a classic look.
  • Double Apadravya piercing: For a more adventurous and unique look, some individuals opt for a double apadravya piercing. This involves having two apadravya piercings placed side by side. It creates a symmetrical appearance and can be adorned with matching jewelry for a cohesive look.
  • Reverse Apadravya piercing: The reverse apadravya piercing is a variation where the jewelry is inserted from the top of the glans and exits through the urethra. This alternative placement provides a different aesthetic and can be a unique choice for those looking for a more unconventional style.
  • Deep shaft apadravya piercing: The deep shaft apadravya piercing is a variation where the piercing is placed further down the shaft of the penis rather than through the glans. Most of the time, this type of piercing is performed on circumcised men to ensure that the upper and lower exit points are parallel. In addition, the top bead of the piercing is typically positioned directly behind the corona of the glans, offering a unique and distinctive aesthetic for individuals seeking unconventional styles.
  • Apadydoe piercing: The apadydoe piercing is a combination of the apadravya and dydoe piercings, offering a unique and unconventional genital piercing option for men. It involves a vertical apadravya piercing through the glans of the penis and one or more horizontal dydoe piercings around the corona of the glans.

Apadravya Piercing and Its Impact on Sexual Pleasure

One of the primary motivations for getting an apadravya piercing is the potential for enhanced sexual pleasure. The jewelry, particularly the barbell, can stimulate both the wearer and their partner during intercourse, leading to increased sensitivity and pleasure. For some women, the apadravya piercing reportedly rubs against their G-spot, providing an additional sensation during intercourse.

However, it’s essential to be aware that individual experiences may vary, and not all partners will find the piercing comfortable or pleasurable. Some partners may find the apadravya piercing uncomfortable or even painful during intercourse, and in such cases, it is crucial to prioritize communication and consent. Being open to adapting and going at your partner’s comfort level is key to ensuring a positive sexual experience for both parties.

In some instances, partners may request the removal of the apadravya jewelry during intercourse due to discomfort or fear of the piercing causing pain. It is essential to respect their preferences and remove the jewelry if necessary, as their comfort should always be prioritized.

Ultimately, the impact of an apadravya piercing on sexual pleasure is subjective and will depend on the individuals involved. Open communication, experimentation with different positions, and willingness to adjust based on your partner’s comfort are vital factors in ensuring that both parties can potentially benefit from the enhanced pleasure offered by the apadravya piercing.

If you’re interested in exploring other male genital piercings to enhance your sex life, here are a few examples:

  1. Ampallang piercing: This horizontal piercing goes through the glans and, like the apadravya, can stimulate both partners during intercourse.
  2. Prince Albert (PA) piercing: Entering the urethra and exiting through the underside of the glans, the prince albert piercing can also provide unique sensations for both the wearer and their partner.
  3. Frenum piercing: Located on the underside of the penis along the shaft, the frenum piercing can offer additional stimulation during sexual activities.
  4. Hafada piercing: Although primarily a decorative piercing, the hafada is placed on the scrotum and can add an extra element of sensation during intimate moments.
  5. Guiche piercing: Positioned between the scrotum and the anus, the guiche piercing can enhance pleasure during various sexual activities, particularly when using a curved barbell or captive bead ring.

How to remove an apadravya piercing?

You can decide to remove your apadravya piercing by following these steps, so that the process is safe and smooth:

  1. Consult with a professional piercer: Before attempting to remove the jewelry yourself, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional piercer. They can provide valuable advice and guidance on how to properly remove the jewelry and what to expect during the healing process.
  2. Wash your hands: Always make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your piercing or jewelry. This step is crucial to minimize the risk of infection.
  3. Prepare a clean workspace: Find a clean, well-lit area to remove your jewelry. Lay out any tools or materials you may need, such as clean paper towels, disposable gloves, and a small container to hold the jewelry once it’s removed.
  4. Remove the jewelry: Gently grasp the jewelry with clean hands or a pair of sterile tweezers. For a barbell, you will need to unscrew one of the balls or ends by turning it counterclockwise. Once the end is removed, carefully slide the barbell out of the piercing hole.
  5. Clean the area: After removing the jewelry, clean the area with a saline solution or a piercing aftercare product recommended by your piercer. Avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these can be too harsh and cause irritation.
  6. Monitor the healing process: Keep an eye on the piercing site as it heals. It’s normal for the hole to close up gradually over time. However, if you notice any signs of infection or complications, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, consult with a healthcare professional or your piercer for further advice.

Remember that individual experiences may vary, and the healing process will depend on factors such as the size of the jewelry and your body’s healing rate. Always prioritize safety and hygiene during the removal process to minimize any risks.

Apadravya vs Prince Albert Piercing: Exploring the Differences

Apadravya and Prince Albert (PA) piercings are two popular male genital piercings. The apadravya piercing is a vertical piercing that traverses the glans of the penis, beginning from the underside and exiting through the urethra. This placement creates a visually striking effect, catching the eye and drawing attention to the piercing. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the apadravya piercing provides functional benefits by stimulating the sensitive areas of the glans during intimate moments. This can lead to heightened sexual pleasure for both partners, making it an enticing choice for those seeking an enhanced experience.

On the other hand, the Prince Albert piercing takes a horizontal route, entering through the urethra and exiting on the underside of the penis near the frenulum. This placement gives the piercing a unique aesthetic appeal and opens up a world of versatility when it comes to jewelry options. Captive bead rings, circular barbells, and curved barbells can all be used to adorn the Prince Albert piercing, allowing individuals to personalize their style and find a look that suits their preferences.

When deciding between the apadravya and Prince Albert piercings, personal factors play a crucial role. Consider your desired aesthetics, anticipated sensations, healing time, and individual anatomy. Consulting with a professional piercer is essential to assess the suitability of each piercing for your specific needs and goals. Their expertise and guidance will help ensure a successful and comfortable piercing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does an apadravya piercing hurt?

Pain is subjective, and everyone’s experience will be different. However, due to the sensitivity of the area, you can expect some discomfort during the piercing process.

Will an apadravya piercing affect urination?

During the initial healing phase, you may experience some changes in your urinary stream. This is temporary and should return to normal once the piercing has healed.

Can I get an apadravya piercing if I’m uncircumcised?

Yes, an apadravya piercing can be done on both circumcised and uncircumcised penises, with no significant issues. For an uncircumcised penis, the foreskin covers the piercings when flaccid, and they become visible during an erection.

How much does an apadravya piercing cost?

The cost of an apadravya piercing can vary depending on factors such as the piercer’s experience, the studio’s location, and the jewelry you choose. On average, you can expect to pay between $80 and $150 for the piercing and jewelry.

How do I know if my apadravya piercing is infected?

Signs of infection can include redness, swelling, discharge, a persistent burning sensation, and in some cases, fever. If you suspect your piercing is infected, contact your piercer or a healthcare professional for advice.


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