Guía detallada de nombres y tipos de piercings faciales

Are you interested in getting a face piercing but are not sure where to start? With so many piercing names and types out there, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for you. But fear not, this in-depth guide to face piercing names and types will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Eyebrow piercings

Eyebrow piercings are a bold and edgy choice for those looking for a unique piercing. They can be done on either side of the eyebrow and are usually adorned with a curved barbell or a captive bead ring.

  • Standard eyebrow piercing: This is the most common type of eyebrow piercing and is typically placed vertically through the eyebrow ridge.
  • Anti-eyebrow piercing: This piercing is placed on the cheekbone just below the eye, in line with the eyebrow.
  • Horizontal eyebrow piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the eyebrow ridge.
  • Perforación del puente: This piercing is placed horizontally across the bridge of the nose, between the eyes.

Lip piercings

Lip piercings are another popular type of face piercing. They can be done on the upper or lower lip and are usually adorned with a stud or a hoop. Here are the different types of lip piercings:

  • Labret piercing: This piercing is placed through the center of the bottom lip, just above the chin.
  • Piercing labret vertical: This piercing is placed through the bottom lip, vertically, and exits at the top of the bottom lip.
  • Horizontal labret piercing: Also known as a horizontal lip piercing, this is a type of piercing that goes through the skin on the lower lip and comes out horizontally on the outside of the lip.
  • Monroe piercing: This piercing is placed on the left side of the upper lip, resembling the beauty mark of Marilyn Monroe.
  • Medusa piercing: This piercing is placed through the center of the upper lip, just below the septum.
  • Snake bites: Two piercings on either side of the lower lip, usually evenly spaced.
  • Dolphin bites: Two piercings on either side of the lower lip, closer together than snake bites.
  • Ashley Piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the center of the lower lip, exiting through the top of the lip.
  • Canine bites: Four piercings placed on the upper and lower lips, with two on each side of the canine teeth.
  • Cyber bites: Two piercings, one on the upper lip and one on the lower lip, directly centered on top of each other.
  • Jestrum piercing: This piercing is placed through the center of the upper lip, exiting through the center of the philtrum.
  • Shark bites: Two piercings on the lower lip, located closer to the corners of the mouth than snake bites.
  • Vampire bites: Two piercings on the upper lip, located on either side of the philtrum, resembling vampire fangs.

Nose piercings

Nose piercings are one of the most common types of face piercings. They can be done on either side of the nose or through the septum, which is the cartilage that separates the nostrils. Here are the different types of nose piercings:

  • Piercing en la nariz: This is the most common type of nose piercing and is typically placed on the side of the nostril.
  • Perforación del tabique: This piercing is placed through the center of the nose, in the thin strip of skin between the nostrils.
  • High nostril piercing: This piercing is placed slightly higher up on the nostril, just below the nose bone.
  • Perforación del puente: This piercing is placed horizontally across the bridge of the nose, between the eyes.
  • Nasallang piercing: This piercing goes through both nostrils and the septum, forming a single piece of jewelry that runs through the nose.
  • Austin bar piercing: This is a variation of the bridge piercing, with a longer barbell that extends through the nose, from one nostril to the other.
  • Piercing rinoceronte: This is a variation of the bridge piercing, with two studs placed on either side of the bridge, resembling a rhinoceros horn.
  • Vertical nose tip piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the tip of the nose.
  • Septril piercing: This piercing is a combination of the septum and nostril piercing, with a stud in the nostril and a hoop or horseshoe-shaped ring through the septum.
  • High septum piercing: This piercing is similar to the septum piercing, but placed higher up on the septum, close to the nostrils.

Cheek piercings

Cheek piercings are a less common type of face piercing but can add a unique touch to your appearance. Here are the different types of cheek piercings:

  • Standard cheek piercing: This piercing is placed through the cheek, usually towards the back of the mouth.
  • Dimple piercing: This piercing is placed in the cheek, mimicking a natural dimple.
  • Horizontal cheek piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the cheek, usually towards the back of the mouth.

Tongue piercings

While not a face piercing in the traditional sense, tongue piercings have become increasingly popular in recent years. They involve puncturing the tongue with a needle and inserting a barbell or other type of jewelry. Here are the different types of tongue piercings:

  • Tongue web piercing: This piercing is placed through the webbing beneath the tongue, connecting it to the floor of the mouth.
  • Frenulum linguae piercing: This piercing is placed through the frenulum, the small piece of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
  • Venom piercing: This piercing is similar to snake eyes piercing, with two studs placed side by side horizontally through the tip of the tongue, resembling venomous fangs.
  • Horizontal tongue piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the middle of the tongue, with a barbell or captive bead ring.
  • Vertical tongue piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the center of the tongue, with a straight or curved barbell.

Perforaciones en las orejas

While not strictly a face piercing, ear piercings are a popular type of body modification and can complement face piercings nicely. Here are the different types of ear piercings:

  • Standard lobe piercing: This is the most common type of ear piercing and is typically placed through the fleshy part of the earlobe and can be adorned with a stud, hoop, or dangle earring.
  • Cartilage piercings: These piercings can be placed in various areas of the ear cartilage, such as the helix, tragus, and conch. Cartilage piercings require special care and may take longer to heal than earlobe piercings.
  • Industrial piercing: This piercing consists of two piercings connected by a single piece of jewelry, usually running diagonally across the ear. It is usually done on the upper ear and requires careful placement by an experienced piercer.
  • Orbital piercing: This piercing is placed through the ear cartilage, with one hole at the top of the ear and another at the bottom, connected by a single piece of jewelry.
  • Rook piercing: This piercing is placed through the fold of cartilage in the upper ear, between the helix and the outer edge of the ear.
  • Daith piercing: This piercing is placed through the innermost fold of cartilage in the ear, above the ear canal.
  • Snug piercing: This piercing is placed through the inner cartilage ridge of the ear, closest to the head.
  • Anti-tragus piercing: This piercing is placed through the small flap of cartilage opposite the tragus, on the outer edge of the ear.
  • Transverse lobe piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the earlobe, with a straight or curved barbell.
  • Helix piercing: This piercing is placed through the outer rim of the ear, typically halfway up the ear or higher.
  • Forward helix piercing: This piercing is placed through the inner rim of the ear, near the head.
  • Piercing doble hélice: This piercing consists of two piercings placed along the outer rim of the ear.
  • Triple helix piercing: This piercing consists of three piercings placed along the outer rim of the ear.
  • Sideburn piercing: Se trata de un tipo de perforación auricular que se coloca a través de la zona de las patillas de la cara, normalmente donde acaba el pelo y empieza la piel.

Piercings orales

Además de los piercings en las orejas, también hay varios tipos de piercings orales que pueden dar un toque único a tu aspecto. Estos son los distintos tipos de piercings orales:

  • Perforación del frenillo: Este piercing se coloca a través del pequeño trozo de tejido que une el labio superior con la encía.
  • Piercing sonriente: Este piercing se coloca a través del fino trozo de piel que une el labio superior con las encías, visible sólo al sonreír.
  • Frunce el ceño: Este piercing se coloca a través del fino trozo de piel que une el labio inferior con las encías, visible sólo al fruncir el ceño.
  • Perforación de la úvula: Este piercing se coloca a través del pequeño trozo de tejido que cuelga en la parte posterior de la garganta.

Piercings superficiales

Los piercings superficiales son un tipo de piercing que se coloca en una superficie plana del cuerpo, como la sien o el pómulo. Estos son los distintos tipos de piercings superficiales:

  • Perforación en el templo: Este piercing se coloca a través de la piel en la zona de la sien de la frente.
  • Perforación del tercer ojo: Este piercing se coloca verticalmente entre las cejas, asemejándose a un tercer ojo. Aunque normalmente se ven los dos extremos de la joya, si solo se ve uno, se denomina tercer ojo microdérmico.
  • Piercing en el pómulo: Este piercing se coloca horizontalmente en el pómulo, paralelo al piercing horizontal de la mejilla.
  • Perforación del puente nasal: Este piercing se coloca horizontalmente en el puente de la nariz, por encima del piercing del puente.

Otros piercings faciales

Además de los piercings de oreja, orales y superficiales, existen otros tipos de piercings faciales. He aquí algunos ejemplos:

  • Piercing en el párpado: Este piercing se coloca horizontalmente a través del párpado superior o inferior, con la joya visible en la superficie.
  • Piercing en la barbilla: Este piercing se coloca en el centro de la barbilla, horizontal o verticalmente.
  • Perforación del filtrum: Este piercing se coloca en el surco entre el labio superior y la nariz.
  • Piercing de vampiro: Dos piercings a cada lado del cuello, parecidos a mordeduras de vampiro.

¿Duele hacerse un piercing en la cara?

Hacerse un piercing facial puede ser una experiencia única y emocionante, pero también es importante tener en cuenta el nivel de dolor que conlleva. El grado de dolor varía de una persona a otra y depende de factores como la ubicación del piercing, la tolerancia individual al dolor y la experiencia del perforador. Algunos piercings faciales suelen ser menos dolorosos que otros, como los piercings en las fosas nasales y los piercings estándar en las cejas, que suelen oscilar entre 2 y 4 sobre 10 en la escala de dolor. Sin embargo, algunos piercings faciales pueden ser más dolorosos, como el piercing industrial y los anclajes dérmicos, que pueden oscilar entre un 8 y un 9 sobre 10 en la escala de dolor.

La anatomía de la zona perforada también puede afectar al nivel de dolor del piercing. Las zonas con más terminaciones nerviosas o cartílagos más gruesos pueden causar más dolor durante el proceso de perforación. Por ejemplo, el piercing industrial atraviesa dos zonas de cartílago, por lo que es más doloroso que otros piercings de oreja. Además, algunas zonas pueden ser más propensas a la inflamación y las molestias durante el proceso de cicatrización, lo que también puede contribuir al nivel general de dolor. Es importante tener en cuenta estos factores a la hora de hacerse un piercing facial y comunicar cualquier molestia o dolor al perforador durante el proceso.

Aquí tienes una clasificación del nivel de dolor del 1 al 10 para los piercings faciales más conocidos:

Perforaciones en las orejas

Tipo de perforación Nivel de dolor (sobre 10)
Perforación estándar en el lóbulo de la oreja 2-3
Cartilage piercings 6-7
Piercing en el trago 7-8
Piercing de concha 6-7
Rook piercing 6-7
Daith piercing 6-7
Snug piercing 7-8
Industrial piercing 8-9

Lip piercings

Tipo de perforación Nivel de dolor (sobre 10)
Labret piercing 5-6
Piercing labial estándar 6-7
Medusa piercing 6-7
Mordeduras de serpiente y de delfín 6-7

Nose piercings

Tipo de perforación Nivel de dolor (sobre 10)
Piercing en la nariz 4-5
Perforación del tabique 5-6
Perforación del puente 5-6
High nostril piercing 5-6

Piercings en las cejas

Tipo de perforación Nivel de dolor (sobre 10)
Standard eyebrow piercing 5-6
Anti-eyebrow piercing 5-6
Horizontal eyebrow piercing 5-6
Perforación del puente 5-6

Piercings en la lengua

Tipo de perforación Nivel de dolor (sobre 10)
Piercing lingual estándar 6-7
Piercing lingual central 6-7
Ojos de serpiente penetrantes 6-7

¿Cuánto tardan en cicatrizar los piercings faciales?

El tiempo de cicatrización de un piercing facial depende de varios factores, como la ubicación del piercing, el estado general de salud de la persona y el cumplimiento de las instrucciones de cuidados posteriores proporcionadas por el perforador. Algunos piercings, como el de la fosa nasal, pueden tardar más en cicatrizar por estar situados en una zona de la cara con mucho movimiento. Además, los piercings en zonas con cartílagos más gruesos, como el cartílago de la oreja (hélix, tragus o concha, por ejemplo), pueden tardar más en cicatrizar que los piercings en tejidos más blandos. Por ejemplo, un piercing en el cartílago puede tardar hasta 6 meses en cicatrizar completamente, mientras que un piercing estándar en el lóbulo de la oreja puede tardar sólo de 4 a 6 semanas. Para que cicatrice correctamente, es importante seguir las instrucciones de cuidados posteriores y evitar actividades que puedan irritar el piercing. Esto incluye tocar el piercing con las manos sucias, utilizar productos agresivos y sumergirlo en agua durante el proceso de cicatrización.

Tipo de piercing facial El menor tiempo de curación Tiempo de curación más largo
Piercings en las cejas 6-8 weeks (standard eyebrow piercing) 6-12 months (surface eyebrow piercing)
Lip Piercings 6-8 weeks (labret piercing) 6-9 months (smiley piercing)
Nose Piercings 2-4 months (nostril piercing) 6-12 months (septum piercing)
Cheek Piercings 12-18 months (dimple piercing) 6-9 months (surface cheek piercing)
Piercings en la lengua 4-6 weeks (horizontal tongue piercing) 6-8 weeks (standard tongue piercing)
Ear Piercings 2-4 months (standard earlobe piercing) 6-12 months (industrial piercing)
Oral Piercings 4-6 weeks (piercing en la lengua) 3-6 months (smiley piercing)

How much do facial piercings cost?

The cost of a facial piercing varies depending on the location of the piercing, the experience of the piercer, and the jewelry used. On average, a facial piercing can cost anywhere from $30 to $100 or more. Specialty or rare piercings may cost more due to the increased skill and precision required.

Tipo de piercing facial Approximate Cost
Piercings en las cejas $30 – $70
Lip Piercings $50 – $100
Nose Piercings $30 – $80
Cheek Piercings $50 – $100
Piercings en la lengua $50 – $100
Ear Piercings $20 – $80
Oral Piercings $50 – $100

When can I change my facial piercing jewelry?

It’s recommended to wait until the piercing has fully healed before changing the jewelry. This can take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks or longer, depending on the location of the piercing and the individual’s healing process. Changing the jewelry too soon can irritate the piercing, prolong the healing process, and increase the risk of infection. When changing the jewelry, it’s important to use sterile equipment and to clean the jewelry and the piercing thoroughly beforehand. If you experience any discomfort or pain during or after changing the jewelry, seek the advice of a professional piercer.

Tipo de piercing facial Best Jewelry
Piercings en las cejas Curved barbells or captive bead rings
Lip Piercings Labret studs or captive bead rings
Nose Piercings Nose studs or captive bead rings
Cheek Piercings Labret studs or captive bead rings
Piercings en la lengua Straight or curved barbells
Ear Piercings Studs, hoops, or barbells depending on location
Oral Piercings Smooth surface barbells or captive bead rings

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Face Piercing Names: A Comprehensive Guide (en double a recup pour un autre site)

When it comes to self-expression, body modification has been a popular choice for many. In particular, face piercings have gained immense popularity in recent years. With various types of facial piercings available, it can be quite overwhelming to choose the perfect one that suits your style and preferences. This comprehensive guide will explain the different face piercing names, the pain level associated with each, their costs, and healing times.

Types of Face Piercings

Exploring the world of facial piercings provides an opportunity for individuals to express their unique style and personality. Discovering the different types and names of facial piercings can help you find the perfect one to showcase your essence and add a touch of individuality to your appearance.

Please note that we deliberately excluded piercings on the lips, nose, and ears because they are discussed in detail in separate articles. Our intention is to focus on the rarer and less common facial piercings.

  • Piercing dérmico

Dermal piercings, also known as microdermal piercings or dermal anchors, are single-point piercings that can be placed anywhere on the body, including the face. They are unique because they don’t require an exit point, which makes them versatile and subtle.

  • Nivel de dolor: 5/10
  • Coste: $50-$100
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Dermal piercings are moderately painful, as they involve inserting an anchor beneath the skin. However, the pain is usually tolerable and short-lived. Healing times vary, but typically, dermal piercings take around 2-3 months to heal.

  • Anti-Eyebrow Piercing

Anti-eyebrow piercings are located just below the eyebrow, typically along the cheekbone. These piercings can be either surface piercings or dermal piercings, depending on your preference.

  • Nivel de dolor: 4/10
  • Coste: $40-$70
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

The pain level for anti-eyebrow piercings is relatively low since the area doesn’t have many nerve endings.

  • Dimple Piercing (Cheek Piercing)

Dimple piercings, also known as cheek piercings, are placed on the cheeks, creating the appearance of natural dimples. This type of piercing is done with a hollow needle that goes through the cheek tissue.

  • Nivel de dolor: 6/10
  • Coste: $60-$90
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Dimple piercings are considered moderately painful due to the thickness of the cheek tissue. Healing times for dimple piercings can vary, but they generally take around 2-3 months to heal completely.

  • Piercing en la ceja

Eyebrow piercings are placed along the eyebrow’s outer edge, either vertically or horizontally. This type of piercing is done with a curved barbell or a small hoop.

  • Nivel de dolor: 3/10
  • Coste: $30-$60
  • Tiempo de curación: 6-8 semanas

Eyebrow piercings are considered to be low on the pain scale, as the area has fewer nerve endings. Eyebrow piercings generally heal within 6-8 weeks.

  • Piercing horizontal en la ceja

A horizontal eyebrow piercing is a variation of the standard eyebrow piercing, where the jewelry is placed horizontally across the eyebrow instead of vertically.

  • Nivel de dolor: 4/10
  • Coste: $40-$70
  • Tiempo de curación: 6-10 semanas

Like regular eyebrow piercings, horizontal eyebrow piercings are low on the pain scale, thanks to the area’s limited nerve endings. Horizontal eyebrow piercings typically heal within the same timeframe as standard eyebrow piercings, which is around 6-10 weeks.

  • Mandible Piercing

Mandible piercings are placed along the lower jawline, creating a unique and edgy look. They are often done as surface piercings but can also be done with dermal anchors.

  • Nivel de dolor: 6/10
  • Coste: $60-$100
  • Tiempo de curación: 3-4 meses

Mandible piercings are moderately painful, as the area has a mix of nerve endings and muscle tissue. Healing times for mandible piercings can vary, but they generally take around 3-4 months to heal completely.

  • Teardrop Piercing

Teardrop piercings, also known as anti-eyebrow surface piercings, are placed directly below the eye, creating the appearance of a teardrop. This type of piercing is done with a surface bar or dermal anchors.

  • Nivel de dolor: 4/10
  • Coste: $50-$80
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Teardrop piercings are relatively low on the pain scale, as the area is not densely packed with nerve endings. Healing times for teardrop piercings are comparable to anti-eyebrow piercings, taking around 2-3 months to heal.

  • Crow’s Feet Piercing

Crow’s feet piercings are located at the outer corner of the eye and resemble the natural crow’s feet wrinkles. This type of piercing is usually done as a surface piercing or with dermal anchors.

  • Nivel de dolor: 6/10
  • Coste: $50-$80
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Crow’s feet piercings are considered moderately painful due to the limited number of nerve endings in this area, which is not very sensitive but close to the eye. Healing times for crow’s feet piercings are comparable to other nearby piercings, taking about 2-3 months to heal.

  • Butterfly Kiss Piercing

Butterfly kiss piercings are located on the upper eyelid, just below the crease, giving the appearance of a butterfly’s wings. This facial piercing consists of multiple surface piercings or dermal anchors placed symmetrically around the eye, resembling the shape of a butterfly. This piercing requires a skilled piercer due to the delicate nature of the area.

  • Nivel de dolor: 7/10
  • Coste: $50-$90
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Butterfly kiss piercings are considered quite painful due to the number of piercings involved and the sensitivity of the eyelid area. Healing times for this piercing can take around 2-3 months.

  • Third Eye Piercing

The third eye piercing is a surface piercing located vertically between the eyebrows, giving the appearance of a “third eye.” This piercing is often done with a curved barbell or a small dermal anchor.

  • Nivel de dolor: 6/10
  • Coste: $50-$80
  • Tiempo de curación: 2-3 meses

Third eye piercings are moderately painful due to the location’s sensitivity and the presence of nerve endings. The healing time for this type of piercing is usually around 2-3 months.

Colocación Nivel de dolor Tiempo de cicatrización Precios
Piercing dérmico 5/10 2-3 meses $50 – $100
Anti-Eyebrow Piercing 4/10 2-3 meses $40 – $70
Dimple (Cheek) Piercing 6/10 2-3 meses $60 – $90
Piercing en la ceja 3/10 6-8 semanas $30 – $60
Piercing horizontal en la ceja 4/10 6-10 semanas $40 – $70
Mandible Piercing 6/10 3-4 meses $60 – $100
Teardrop Piercing 4/10 2-3 meses $50 – $80
Crow’s Feet Piercing 6/10 2-3 meses $50 – $80
Butterfly Kiss Piercing 7/10 2-3 meses $50 – $90
Third Eye Piercing 6/10 2-3 meses $50 – $80

face piercing procedure

The procedure for facial piercings typically involves the piercer marking the desired location, sterilizing the area, and using a hollow needle to create the piercing. The specific technique used may vary based on the type of piercing and the piercer’s experience. For instance, dermal piercings require the insertion of an anchor beneath the skin, which demands a more advanced skill set, while surface piercings involve the use of surface bars or dermal anchors, which are less complex. Always ensure your piercer is experienced and reputable to minimize potential complications.

face piercing Healing time

The healing time for facial piercings varies depending on the type and location of the piercing, largely due to differences in tissue structure and blood supply. For instance, eyebrow piercings generally have a shorter healing time of around 6-8 weeks because they are in an area with less dense tissue. On the other hand, more complex piercings like mandible piercings and butterfly kiss piercings may take up to 3-4 months to heal completely due to their proximity to more sensitive or muscular areas.

facial piercing cost

The cost of facial piercings can vary greatly depending on factors such as the piercer’s experience, location and type of piercing. The least expensive piercings, such as standard eyebrow piercings, can cost anywhere from $30 to $60, mainly due to their simplicity and ease of access. On the other hand, more complex piercings, such as mandible piercings or butterfly kissing piercings, can cost between $60 and $100 or more, as they require a higher level of skill and precision from the piercer. When choosing a piercer, always choose quality and safety over cost.

face piercing pain

Pain levels for facial piercings also differ depending on location and individual tolerance. Some piercings, such as eyebrow piercings, are considered less painful because the area has fewer nerve endings. On the other hand, more painful piercings, such as butterfly kissing piercings, can be more painful due to the number of piercings involved and the sensitivity of the eyelid area. Keep in mind that pain is subjective and your experience may not be exactly the same as others.

Facial piercing jewelry

The most commonly used jewelry for facial piercings is often made from hypoallergenic materials such as titanium, surgical steel or niobium. These materials minimize the risk of allergic reaction or irritation due to their biocompatibility. The style of jewelry, such as barbells, hoops, or studs, will depend on the type of piercing and your personal preference. Consult with your piercer to determine the best jewelry choice for your specific facial piercing.

Considering Lifestyle and Face Piercing Aftercare

Facial piercings tend to heal quickly due to the ample blood flow in the face. However, improper care can result in scarring, making it crucial to select an experienced piercer who can ensure optimal placement and guide you through the healing process. As facial piercings are highly visible and immediately noticeable, it’s important to consider whether a specific piercing aligns with your lifestyle requirements. If you need to conceal your facial piercings for work or school, consider investing in piercing retainers. Skillful use of these retainers can render most facial piercings nearly invisible, allowing you to maintain your desired appearance while adhering to necessary regulations.

Preguntas frecuentes

Can I have more than one face piercing at the same time?

Yes, you can have multiple face piercings done simultaneously. However, it’s crucial to consult with a professional piercer to ensure proper placement and avoid complications.

What is the best aftercare for face piercings?

Generally, cleaning the area with a saline solution and avoiding touching the piercing with dirty hands is essential. Your piercer will provide you with specific aftercare instructions based on the type of piercing you have.

Can face piercings leave scars?

Yes, some face piercings can leave scars, especially if they are removed or experience complications during the healing process. Taking proper care of your piercing and following your piercer’s instructions can minimize the risk of scarring.

How do I know if my face piercing is infected?

Signs of infection include increased pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and discharge. If you suspect your piercing is infected, consult your piercer or a healthcare professional immediately.

Can I change the jewelry for my face piercing?

Yes, you can change the jewelry once the piercing has fully healed. It’s best to consult with your piercer about the appropriate jewelry type and size for your specific piercing.

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